Central Depository Systems (Pvt) Limited


The CDS has revised its fee structure, which will be effective from 01st January 2025. Please review the updated fees for the following categories by clicking on the relevant links below

Listed Issuers View
Custodian Banks View
Stockbroker firms View

A. Fee Structure Applicable for Account Holders

01. Registration and annual subscription fees of the CDS e-Connect facility

Client Category One time Registration Fee (LKR) Annual Subscription Fee (LKR)
Individual account holders – Local Free of Charge Free of Charge
Individual account holders – Foreign Free of Charge Free of Charge
Corporate account holders – Local 5,200 2,600
Corporate account holders – Foreign 8,300 4,200
Margin Providers/Wealth Managers/Custodian Banks Class A: Client Base 1 – 50 10,300 6,200
Margin Providers/Wealth Managers/Custodian Banks Class B: Client Base 50 – 200 20,300 12,200
Margin Providers/Wealth Managers/Custodian Banks Class C: Client Base 200 – 500 30,900 18,600
Margin Providers/Wealth Managers/Custodian Banks Class D: Client Base Above 500 36,100 26,000

02. Fees applicable for duplicate monthly statements requested through the CDS e-Connect Facility

Client Category Fee charged per one participant registration (LKR)
Individual account holders – Local 100
Individual account holders – Foreign 210
Corporate account holders – Local 520
Corporate account holders – Foreign 1.100
Margin Providers Class A: Client Base 1 – 50 520
Margin Providers Class B: Client Base 50 – 200 520
Margin Providers Class C: Client Base 200 – 500 520
Margin Providers Class D: Client Base Above 500 520

Payment should be done online*

03. Providing hard copies of additional monthly statements (Other than statements issued as per CDS Rules):

Additional statements provided by the CDS based on a written request:

Client Category Revised fees for duplicate physical statements per participant registration (LKR
Individual account holders – Local 200
Individual account holders – Foreign 1000
Corporate account holders – Local 850
Corporate account holders – Foreign 3000
Margin Providers Class A: Client Base 1 – 50 850
Margin Providers Class B: Client Base 50 – 200 850
Margin Providers Class C: Client Base 200 – 500 850
Margin Providers Class D: Client Base Above 500 850

Charging methodology:

Option 01: Account holders can make the payment directly to the CDS counter along with the request for the statement.

Option 02: Deposit cash into any of the following bank accounts and submit the original bank deposit slip to the CDS;

  • Sampath Bank account number: 0029 3000 3150
  • Bank of Ceylon account number: 00 7005 5852
  • Commercial Bank account number: 0014 1607 1101

04. Withdrawal of shares from the CDS:

LKR 1000/- per client

Charging Methodology: The Member Firm/Custodian should submit a cross Cheque drawn in the name of “Central Depository Systems (Pvt) Limited”. The receipt should be submitted along with the withdrawal request.

B. Fees applicable for services offered to Custodian Banks (LKR)

Print Version CD Through VPN link
Client Registration 50 per page 2500 1,000
Ledger Balances 50 per page 2500 1,000

Charging Methodology: The CDS will submit an invoice to the respective Custodian Bank who are required to settle the invoice on receipt.

C. Fees applicable for services offered to Listed Companies (LKR)

01. Charges for Daily Reports

Report Type Print Version CD Through the link
Entitlement Schedules 50 per page 2,500 per report 1,000 per report
Transaction Schedules 50 per page 2,500 per report 1,000 per report
CDS Deposit / Withdrawal Report 50 per page 2,500 per report 1,000 per report
Ledger transaction per client 50 per page 500 per report 250 per report

Charging Methodology: At the end of each Quarter, the CDS would raise an invoice in favor of the company and would be forwarded through the respective registrar/company secretary, the fee should be settled on receipt of the invoice.

02. Corporate Action Services

Issue Fee (Rs.)
1. Right Issue: 1. Conversion of Rights into shares Rs. 30,000/- per Right issue
1. Right Issue: 2. Direct Deposit of Shares Rs. 10/- per direct deposit
2. Mandatory Offers Rs. 10/- per transfer
3. New Listings: 1. Equity – Direct deposit of shares Rs. 50,000/- per company
3. New Listings: 2. Debt – Direct deposit of Debt Securities Rs. 50,000/- per issue (covering all types of Debt Securities issued)
4. Sub division of shares and Consolidation Rs. 10/- per direct deposit
5. Capitalization of Reserves Rs. 10/- per direct deposit
6. Scrip dividends Rs. 10/- per direct deposit
7. ESOS and ESPS Rs. 10/- per transfer or direct deposit
8. Any other further issue of securities Rs. 10/- per transfer or upload

Charging Methodology: At the end of completion of each process, the CDS would raise an invoice in favor of the company and would be forwarded through the respective registrar/company secretary, The fee should be settled on receipt of the invoice.

Note: The fees indicated above may be revised by CDS from time to time.