If you are interested in opening a CDS account, you can learn more about the required documents for opening account in our Investor Account Services section.
If you are a resident of Sri Lanka, and looking to open an individual account, you may do so through our online account opening app also. You can learn more about how open a CDS account using online app by
visiting Open Accounts Online.
The CDS account should be opened through a Registered Participant of CDS. You can view details of the CDS Participants by clicking here.
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Media Room
CDS Signs MoU with CDC Pakistan Friday September 2, 2016
CDS Attends the 18th ACG Cross Training Seminar Tuesday May 17, 2016
CDS Signs MoU with CSDC Thursday November 15, 2018
CDS Digitalization Initiatives – Launch of Online Account Opening Wednesday October 7, 2020
CDS signs MoU with CDSL India Friday May 12, 2017
CDS Signs MoU with KSD Tuesday November 27, 2018